Last week, surrounded by the beauty and magnificence of Zion National Park, I turned 40. It felt like a very big deal and also like nothing at all. Somewhere in my past, there’s a girl who can’t even fathom making it to 20, much less 40. For that girl, the
Read moreWhen I was younger, birthdays felt so stressful. I remember being anxious about turning 16, as if that was something significant, as if it was a ripe old age. It’s different now. I’m not quite 40, I still have a few more days to soak in the sunset of my
Read moreFebruary is such a short month. The runt of the litter even in her longest incarnation. All month, the brevity of February felt like it was looming over me, waiting for me to do something, to do all things. Mostly, February felt like it was chasing me. It felt like
Read moreI wasn’t sure this trip would ever happen. I first planned it for the middle of March 2020 and, obviously, had to cancel. I figured another opportunity would come around, but each time I tried to plan this trip, something came up, something stopped me from going. Last summer, I
Read moreThe thing about 2024 is that it promises to be a really important year for me. I have a lot of big, big things planned for 2025, but in order to make them all happen, I have to spend 2024 making shit happen. I need to spend the year building
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